Graduates Rais Cocurso Level (RAIS data) co_ies: University identification code. co_curso: Course code within the institution. num_stud: Number of students in the course (Subtract -10 from the base). inrais_employee: Fraction of students found in RAIS. inrais_act_employee: Fraction of students with an active contract as of December of that year (active contract indicator = 1). wage_nozero_employee: Average income conditional on receiving positive income. remdezr_employee: December wage. remmedr_employee: Average monthly wage. partime_employee: Fraction of students working part-time. setor_publico_employee: Fraction of students working in the public sector. setor_privado_employee: Fraction of students working in the private sector. setor_other_employee: Fraction of students working in other sectors (e.g., NGOs). cnae5_minmode_employee: Minimum CNAE class (5 digits) of the course's employees. cnae3_minmode_employee: Minimum CNAE group (3 digits) of the course's employees. ocup4_minmode_employee: Minimum Occupation code (CBO, 4 digits) of the course's employees. ocup2_minmode_employee: Minimum Occupation code (CBO, 2 digits) of the course's employees. cnae5_maxmode_employee: Maximum CNAE class (5 digits) of the course's employees. cnae3_maxmode_employee: Maximum CNAE group (3 digits) of the course's employees. ocup4_maxmode_employee: Maximum Occupation code (CBO, 4 digits) of the course's employees. ocup2_maxmode_employee: Maximum Occupation code (CBO, 2 digits) of the course's employees. tp_categoria_administrativa: Type of academic organization. tp_organizacao_academica: Type of administrative category of the university. tp_grau_academico: Academic degree conferred. tp_modalidade_ensino: Type of teaching modality. co_ocde_area_detalhada: OCDE/UNESCO code of the course.